Jan 25th, 2025
PSyLab is presenting 4 papers at CICC this year!
Two of these papers are the result of collaboration with Professor Shaolan Li’s GAMMA research group which is conducting highly innovative work in data converters, AFEs, and other related research.
Jung-Jin Park (JJ) will be presenting his work on the design of highly energy-efficient GPS baseband correlators. Satellite acquisition incurs a large energy penalty in GPS receivers and JJ will be presenting an energy-efficient approach involving adaptive compressive sampling to take advantage of non-worst case signal conditions (frequently experienced) to severely reduce the required computation in GPS.
Arindam will be presenting his multiplexed front end neural signal recording system. This work, done in close collaboration with Professor Shaolan Li, presents a system that builds upon the group’s prior contribution to the field – multiplexed neural recording front ends – that enables high-density recording. Arindam advances this theme with the design of a highly process technology scalable AFE (incremental delta-sigma with range extension), and shows online calibration that relies on a run-time solver.
The design of both chips presented numberous challenges (and learning opportunities) for the group. We’re thrilled and grateful at the positive outcome of this work.
Check out their CICC presentations in April, or wait for the papers on our webpage after the Conference to learn more!